Mac and Cheese

I've been looking and looking for the perfect mac and cheese recipe. I love mac and cheese. The creamier, the better! I made a Real Simple recipe a few weeks ago and wasn't impressed. So the search continued. So on to the story of this mac and cheese.

We were invited to hang out with some friends last weekend. The plan was to bring dessert. Charlie requested this gem. YUM! Then...he volunteered me to make mac and cheese as well! Oh no! I was almost in tears. I hadn't found a recipe I liked yet. Then I remembered Krystal. I've mentioned Krystal before. Shoot, she's probably the one who even reads this blog! Krystal is my sister. And this is her mac and cheese recipe. So yummy!

When I asked for the recipe, she said it wasn't really a recipe. And that is what I love about it! It's one of those things that's so easy you can remember it off the top of your head. There are only a few ingredients and it's super easy to make!

Krystal says to use the block cheese and shred it. She swears it makes a difference....So listen to her! I hardly shred my own cheese anymore. I remember this was my job when I was a kid...pre-bagged shredded cheese days. Of course, I ate half of it before I finished! It really does taste more yummy than the bagged stuff.

Mac and Cheese
Source: Krystal Kerns

16 oz. elbow macaroni
1 large block of cheddar, shredded (the largest block you can find!)
1/2 stick of butter
Fresh ground paper

Cook the macaroni and drain. Shred the cheese. Butter the bottom and sides of a large baking dish. Pour half the noodles in the dish. Spread half the cheese on top. Layer with the rest of the noodles. Top with the rest of the cheese. Place pats of butter around the top of the cheese. I used 8. Sprinkle with fresh ground pepper, but not too much! Bake at 375 for 20 minutes.